Bring CO2 Traffic Light to an IoT Central Dashboard in minutes
As i described in my last Blog Post it is easy to built up your own CO2 measuring sensor using an CCS881 or an MH-Z14A as i like more.
Now i want to built an easy and nice Dashboard with all the functionality of an full blown dashbaord and with the capabilities to forward data to my own data flows as i like. IoT Central can receive very easy data from varios plattforms like (IoT Hub, MQTT, HTTPS, AMPQ) and store them in the internal database. But it can also forward the data to your plattform you want. The most connector i like is the “Azure Logic App” because so you can send data to your SAP System!
As you may remember of my old Post that is the prototype of my sensor 😉
The solution looks like an easy job, buying some electronic sensors at your favorite china-platform and put things together.
Things i uses for the Solution:
- Tasmota Firmware (of course) – download here
- ESP8266 Wemos Mini D1 – buy
- MH-Z14A CO2 Sensor (NIRD Method) – buy
- CCS811 Sensor – buy
- BMP280 Sensor (Temp/Press) – buy
- HDC1080 Sensor (Temp/Hum) – buy
- OLED Display with 64×128 pixels – buy
- W2812 RGB LED Stripe for Traffic light colored display – buy
- node-red – as data bridge (before it was Calculation and Dashboard)
- Azure IoT Central
Bring data from the device to your local MQTT-Broker
device -> MQTT (Wifi) -> Broker -> node-red -> IoT Central -> eMail Alerts
You can read more about the node-red stuff here!